1) 1K Arri fresenl kit includes
3)1000 watt fresenl, Arri’s
1) Soft Bank Arri kit includes
- 1000 watt open face with Chimera
- 150 watt fresenl
- 650 watt fresnel
1) 300 watt fresnel
2) Kino Tegra 4 foot 4 Bank
|2) Kino Diva
2) Additional Chimeras
5) Century Stand
5) 18 x 24 flag
3) 18 x 24 double net
2) 18 x 24 single net
1) 18 x 24 sil
1) 18 x 48 cutte
|1) 48 x48 open gel fram
1) 40″ x 40″ reflector (hard and soft
1) 40″ x 40″ reflector (ultra soft, super soft
6) Foam Core Board 4 x 4 White on white and White on Black
1) Magliner grip/video cart with shelves
Black Duba Teen
3) Full apples 3) Half apples 3) quarter apple
Spud clamps springer clamps and C47’s